Construction Loans

Now You Can Build With Confidence

You can finance almost any size construction project with us. Our team of experts can help you structure your deal, get financing in place, and take your new construction project from permit to finished product.

Loan Parameters

Loan Limit:

$100K-10 million (Total loan amounts/cash to close vary by deal)

Start Restrictions:


Credit Limits/Deposit Requirements:


Total Loan to Cost:

Up to 85%

Total Loan to Finished Value:

Up to 70%

Typical Loan Term:

12 - 24 months

Property Types:

Single family residential, model or spec homes, low rise multi-family, infill, teardown, subdivisions, finished lot bridge loans



Interest Type:

Drawn Balance – borrower only charged interest on drawn funds

If you have a project you’d like our team to take a look at, or you just want to learn more about how we can help you grow your business, please get in touch. We promise it will be time well spent!

Our Relationships Speak

The reputation of our clients speaks volumes, with our top clients averaging 587 builds, and many over 2,500 builds to their credit. They can get funds anywhere. Yet, they choose us again and again because you can trust us.

Customers served! 3080 + projects FUnded
Customers served! $ 3080 B Over $2.1 Billion Funded
Customers served! 3080 % Repeat CLients

Got a Quality Project?

If you would like to discuss your project, please reach out and give us a call. We're kind of "old school"...we actually like to talk with our clients.